We’re Here to Support You During Treatment With PEMAZYRE
At IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE, our team can help you understand your insurance coverage, explore financial assistance options, and provide as-needed support.
PEMAZYRE prescriptions are filled through Biologics by McKesson specialty pharmacy.
Biologics will work with you and your caregivers to help ensure you have support during treatment with PEMAZYRE.
For Eligible Patients, Our Team Can Provide:
- Help with understanding your insurance coverage
- Pharmacy outreach call when you start PEMAZYRE
- Flexibly scheduled follow-up calls from a pharmacy care team specialist to fit your needs
- Information about your medicine and condition
- Text message refill reminders
- Referrals to advocacy and support organizations
- Financial assistance options
Financial Assistance and Savings Options for PEMAZYRE

For Eligible Patients With Commercial Prescription Insurance
IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Savings Program
IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Savings Program
Eligible patients can receive PEMAZYRE for as little as $0, subject to certain limits*
To qualify, you must:
- Have commercial prescription drug coverage. Patients insured under federal or state government prescription drug programs—including Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, or TRICARE—are not eligible. Patients without prescription drug coverage are also not eligible
- Be a resident of the United States or a US territory
- Have a valid prescription for PEMAZYRE for an FDA-approved use
*Uninsured, cash-paying, or Alternate Funding Program (AFP) patients are not eligible. Not valid for patients insured through Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, TRICARE, or any state medical or pharmaceutical assistance program. Patient enrollment in a copay adjustment program, such as a maximizer or accumulator program, may impact the value of this offer. Annual benefit maximum applies, as may other restrictions. Valid prescription for PEMAZYRE® (pemigatinib) for an FDA-approved indication or compendia-recognized use is required. Please see the full Patient Terms and Conditions or call IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE at 1-855-452-5234. Update effective as of January 1, 2024.
*Uninsured, cash-paying, or Alternate Funding Program (AFP) patients are not eligible. Not valid for patients insured through Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, TRICARE, or any state medical or pharmaceutical assistance program. Patient enrollment in a copay adjustment program, such as a maximizer or accumulator program, may impact the value of this offer. Annual benefit maximum applies, as may other restrictions. Valid prescription for PEMAZYRE® (pemigatinib) for an FDA-approved indication or compendia-recognized use is required. Please see the full Patient Terms and Conditions or call IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE at 1-855-452-5234. Update effective as of January 1, 2024.
To enroll, you can either:
Call IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE at 1-855-452-5234, Monday through Friday, 8 AM–8 PM ET.
A representative will ask a few questions. If you are eligible, your program information will be recorded so you can begin receiving PEMAZYRE for as little as $0 out-of-pocket cost.Ask your Healthcare Professional to enroll you in the Savings Program.

For Eligible Patients Who Are Uninsured or Underinsured for PEMAZYRE
IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Patient Assistance Program
IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Patient Assistance Program
Eligible patients can receive PEMAZYRE free of charge†
The IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Patient Assistance Program (PAP) helps eligible patients who do not have prescription drug insurance or who have trouble affording their out-of-pocket costs for PEMAZYRE. No purchase contingencies or other obligations apply.
To qualify, you must:
- Be confirmed as eligible and enrolled in IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE
- Be a resident of the United States or a US territory
- Have a valid prescription for PEMAZYRE for an FDA-approved use
- Meet one of these 3 criteria:
- You have no prescription drug coverage and meet household income criteria
- You have no prescription drug coverage and meet household income criteria
- You have Medicare Part D and meet household income criteria
- You have any other type of prescription drug insurance (commercial, Medicaid, etc) but have exhausted or been denied coverage for PEMAZYRE and meet household income criteria
To apply, you can either:
Call IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE at 1-855-452-5234, Monday through Friday, 8 AM–8 PM ET.
To start, we’ll ask you a few questions to help determine your eligibility for this program. Based on your answers, we will notify you within 2 business days if you qualify for conditional approval. That means you’re approved for a supply of free medicine for 90 days.
In the meantime, you must send us proof of your current household income. It can be one of the following: your most recent federal income tax return, your most recent W-2 earnings statement from your employer, or one month of your recent pay stubs. Once we review your income information, we’ll notify you if you are fully approved for the IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Patient Assistance Program and can continue to receive PEMAZYRE for free.
Ask your Healthcare Professional to submit an application form for you.
†Terms and conditions apply. Terms of this program may change at any time.
‡Patients who are enrolled in an Alternate Funding Program (AFP) are not eligible to receive free drug.

For Patients Whose Insurance Coverage for PEMAZYRE Is Delayed
IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Temporary Access Program
IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE Temporary Access Program
Eligible patients may be able to receive a free short-term supply of PEMAZYRE§
If you have been prescribed PEMAZYRE for an FDA-approved use and you experience a delay in coverage, we may be able to provide a free 30-day supply of medicine. To be eligible, you must submit a proof of insurance claim verifying the delay. Free product is offered to eligible patients without any purchase contingency or other obligation.
To qualify, you must:
- Have commercial prescription drug coverage or a healthcare exchange plan. Patients insured under federal or state government prescription drug programs—including Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, or TRICARE—are not eligible. Patients without prescription drug coverage are also not eligible
- Be a resident of the United States or a US territory
- Have a valid prescription for PEMAZYRE for an FDA-approved use
- Provide proof of the submitted claim and coverage delay. This may be a notice you receive from your insurance company
§Terms and conditions apply. Terms of this program may change at any time.
To apply, you can either:
Call IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE at 1-855-452-5234, Monday through Friday, 8 AM–8 PM ET.
Ask your Healthcare Professional to submit an application form for you.

Call IncyteCARES for PEMAZYRE at 1-855-452-5234,
Monday through Friday, 8 AM–8 PM ET